
LFAr-7500 Argon Recovery Unit Successfully Put into Operation

On June 30, 2023, Qinghai JinkoSolar Co., Ltd. and Shanghai LifenGas Co., Ltd. signed a contract for a set of 7,500Nm3/h centralised argon recovery unit to support JinkoSolar's 20GW Phase II silicon ingot cutting project to recover waste argon gas. The main process is as follows: the argon-rich waste gas discharged from the crystal pulling workshop is piped to the argon recovery gas unit after dust removal through the dust removal filter, and then the qualified argon gas recovered by the gas unit after recovery and purification is returned to the crystal pulling process.

This set of 7500Nm³/h argon recovery unit adopts hydrogenation and deoxidation process, cyogenic separation principle. The whole unit includes: exhaust gas collection and compression system, pre-cooling and purification system, catalytic reaction system which removes CO and oxygen, cyrogenic fraction system, instrumentation and electronic control system.

argon recovery unit

The project was designed, manufactured, supplied, constructed and commissioned by Shanghai LifenGas.

The delivered unit was installed on site in October 2023. The Shanghai LifenGas team overcame the difficulties of the tight schedule and extremely limited site area, completed the installation within three months, and the qualified product gas was produced on 8 January 2024. After the product gas passed the test, the plant was able to meet the customer's gas demand. In addition, after running for several months, the plant's gas supply is stable, which is highly appreciated by the customer.

The successful implementation of this project not only enhances JinkoSolar's resource utilization efficiency but also demonstrates Shanghai LifenGas's expertise in the field of gas recovery and purification. This collaboration highlights the potential for sustainable solutions in the silicon ingot cutting industry, promoting environmentally-friendly practices and reducing waste. The project is a testament to the commitment of both companies towards innovation and sustainability, setting a good example for future partnerships aimed at eco-friendly advancements.

Shanghai LifenGas

Post time: Aug-30-2024
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